Achilles Rehabilitation Orthotic
Design Language
Design Responsibility
Responsibility_Design, Model, Render, Mockup
Duration_12 Weeks
Catagory_Lifestyle Design
In our digital age, going off-grid and practicing digital hygiene is becoming more popular as people seek to reconnect with the physical world. Analog interactions, such as reading a physical book or playing a board game, can establish emotional connections with products and have a positive impact on our mental health.
I wanted to create a statement of how I view product design with this project, how can we create objects that interact with us on a deeper level, objects with love?
I believe this is a beginning of an exploration not only on interations but also on the relationship created between we the users and these quirky objects.
How can we take back product design in a fully digital world?
What is a Achilles Rupture?
What is a theremin?
2 modes
The theremin is one of the first electronic musical instruments, invented by Léon Theremin in the 1920s. It is unique because it is played without physical contact, using two antennas that sense hand movements: one controls pitch, and the other controls volume. The theremin produces an eerie, ethereal sound, often associated with science fiction films and experimental music. Its expressive, touchless playstyle makes it both a fascinating instrument and a challenge to master.
Catagory_Arts and Crafts
Mr. Resin, a brand specializing in high-quality resin-based products, has commissioned us to design a distinctive bottle and packaging solution that reflects their brand’s premium craftsmanship and innovation. The objective is to create a packaging system that not only protects and preserves the product but also enhances brand recognition and customer appeal.
MR. RESIN Epoxy- UV Resin
Packaging and Bottle Render
Catagory_Arts and Crafts
Mr. Resin, a brand specializing in high-quality resin-based products, has commissioned us to design a distinctive bottle and packaging solution that reflects their brand’s premium craftsmanship and innovation. The objective is to create a packaging system that not only protects and preserves the product but also enhances brand recognition and customer appeal.